question attached 17

Number of pages: 1

Formatting style: MLA

Okay, as you can see, there are a number of similarities running through all of your posts on the racial scripts of each group; and this is no mistake. These are the messages that we are given by the news, movies, TV shows, and social media on a daily basis for our entire lives.

We are given a number of messages that Black people are criminalistic, violent, aggressive, athletic, lazy, unintelligent, drug dealers, gang members and perpetual victims? For instance, when I say “welfare” whom do you picture? Do you picture an Asian man? A white man? Or do we picture Black women with tons of children “mooching” off of the system? Based on your responses, I think we have illustrated that answer already. THAT is what scripting is.

We have been taught that Asians are intelligent, hard workers, bad drivers, that they don’t speak English and that they all do martial arts (usually karate).

In this country, Latinos are thought to be immigrants (usually undocumented), non-English speakers, good dancers, we expect the women to have a lot of kids, the men to be gang members and/or drug dealers, and we think that of them as very sensual (think “Latin lover”).

We have also been given the message that while white people are sometimes perceived as racist, they are also leaders, powerful, intelligent, businesspeople, and successful.

We ALL have preconceived notions about what certain groups or people are like. None of us are free from it. By virtue of having spent any significant amount of time in this country, the media, our families and our friends shape how we see people and shape what we expect of them. This is due to scripting. Scripts help reinforce common ideas about race, and most importantly, they are informed by and reinforce stereotypes.

Now, this is not to say that we can’t be proven wrong, but we are not talking about the people you have encountered. We are talking about what you were taught and think (even subconsciously). Very often, these are two different things.

So, using these traits that we’ve laid out (and including any others that you may still want to add). What do you notice about the scripts for each race?

Is one more positive than the other?

Are they any commonalities?

How do these traits relate to the concept of “hierarchy” that was laid out in my initial post?